Senior Is Gloomy
What should I say? I'm already a senior now. I believe almost every student has the same feeling--Senior is gloomy. Yup! There are 8 classes one week, if u don't think it is less enough, OK, you can go none of them, for all are elective, what's more, u can apply for not coming to school this year with one job certification no matter it is ture or fake. As is so point, some body is pretty busy, fight for graduate school, or work. Others has nothing to do, for they have been guarranted to go graduate school, or they don't care about their future. Except these, they all face another kind of life, they all face seperating, school, friends and classamates.

When refering to me, there are more specific things which bother me. First, T, which I was quite confident about it and thought I did an excellent job on it. However, the result turns out, my performce was just so so. Particularly, the speaking part, I thought my answer was almost perfect, but it show it is the worst part I did. After that, I'm kind of numb. I don't know what should I do. Second, another student dead yesterday. Unfortunately, he is also from our department, and is also from Pengyuan No.3 building. Why is also from our department? U know, there have been 3 students who dead of our department in less than one year. "God bless me" "Hallelujah""阿弥陀佛,善哉善哉""毛主席万岁"Third, one of my classmate is in hospital, the situation of him is not quite good, He took an operation yesterday. It seems live is so fragile sometimes, we have no power to control such things to happen.
Anyway, life has to goes on. We try to fight with all kinds of evil, fight for a bright furture. Even though I was kind of frustrated, I have registered for another T test and asked for rescore last test. I just need some stimulation to summon up!